  • Download and Log in

    —    How to download CoChat    —

    1. Android:Lenovo Store(乐商店) and Googleplay

    2. iOS:Apple Store

    3. Scan the QR code below

  • —    How to log in CoChat    —

    You need to log in CoChat using your ITCode, password and OTP code

    About Lenovo OTP please check their website:

  • Instant Message

    —    How to chat/group chat    —

    Single chat:

    Search for a colleague in your contacts to start chatting

    Group chat:

    Find the "+" in the upper right corner on the Message page → Group chat → Select participants → Complete

    Trigger email in IM:

    Click "Send Email" in the message box, and an email will be created with the same name of this group chat

    Since CoChat v6.1, Lync Online/Offline function is no longer available. If you want to communicate between the mobile CoChat and the PC, please go to our official website to download the CoChat PC version:https://cochat.lenovo.com/

  • —    How to check chat history in a chat    —

    Pull down to load message history:

    When you joined a group chat, you can load the previous chat history by dragging down the message page.

  • —    How to check message reading status    —

    Check message reading status:

    Click on the "Reading Status" button next to each message to see the list of read/unread recipients

  • —    How to check group details and manage group    —

    Group details:

    Click "..." in the upper right corner of the chat window to enter the group details. View all group members or add/delete group members (only the group owner can delete members)

    Group notice:

    Group owner can set or edit the group notification

    Manage group:

    The group owner can transfer the group ownership to other group members

    Save to contacts:

    Turn on the switch and this group will be saved onto your contacts. Easy to find

  • —    How to operate one/multiple messages    —


    Long press a message to get more actions

    Messages sent within 2 minutes can be recalled

    One-by-one/Combine forward:

    Once you have selected one/multiple messages, you can forward them to another contact or group

    Send chat history by email:

    After selecting multiple messages, click the Mail button at the bottom of the page. An email will be created based on the group chat members with the chat history selected

  • —    How to create voice/video calls    —

    Click the phone button, or click "+" to choose video call, then you could choose Voice/Video call.

    For the quality, voice call: most 20 peoples, video call: most 9 peoples.

  • —    Create chat group for sports    —

    Create a chat for sports, need set the sports and goals, then you will a special mark for the sports group and you will get a group notice.

  • —    How to use "Today's Fitness"    —

    Click "+" in the message window, then click "Sports".

  • —    How to check group sports and goals, sports rankings    —

    Group owner can set and edit the group sports and goals.

  • Employee Directory

    —    How to search employee directory    —


    Click the "Search Employee Directory" to search for Lenovo colleagues

    The Contacts page displays your peers and manager by default, and you can also add new contacts by following them


    Group contacts displays your Tier 1 and Tier 2 group by default. You can also add important group chats to your group contacts by opening the "Save to Contacts" switch in the group details page

    View personal card:

    After clicking on the contact avatar, you can view their organization structure and personal information like email and phone number

  • Email

    —    How to log in CoChat email    —

    CoChat Email function works for both Exchange users and Office365 users. After the first entry to My Mail, Office 365 users need to be authorized to log in using ITCode and password, and Exchange users can use it immediately without logging in

  • —    How to manage the email settings    —

    CoChat email entrance:

    Click "Email" on Work page

    Email settings:

    In the upper right corner of the email list page, you can find the setting button:

    Automatic replies

    Signature(Affects only CoChat)

    Table display format

    Download to local device option:

    You can now download the body and attachments of emails to your local device by adjusting the settings

    You no longer have to wait for each email to load before you can read it. Even if you have no access to internet, you can still view the email body and attachments that have already been downloaded

  • —    How to do quick operations    —

    Filter read/unread emails:

    The first button in the top right corner of the email list page

    Switch email folder:

    Click on the folder that you want to view from the drop-down menu

    Left slide one email for more operations:

    You can operate this email:

    - Flag

    - Delete

    - More

    Synchronize user-defined folders in Outlook:

    CoChat syncs all your important and user-defined folders in Outlook

  • —    How to operate a batch of emails    —

    Batch operation:

    Click the button in the lower left corner of the email list page to enter the batch mode

    Batch operation of flagging emails:

    After selecting multiple emails, you can flag them at one time

    Batch operation of moving emails:

    After selecting multiple emails, you can move them to other folders at one time

  • —    How to trigger IM in email    —

    Trigger IM in email:

    Click the IM button on the email details page to create a group chat based on this email Group chat members will automatically include email receivers or CCs You can quickly view this email in this group chat so that everyone can discuss it on this email subject

  • —    How to search emails    —

    Search emails:

    Click the "Search" in the top of the email list page, you can search for emails. You can enter different types of keywords in the search box: subject, sender, recipient and all. In addition, CoChat will save your past search history

  • —    How to setting Focused/Others Email    —

    Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner to go to the mail settings page to set whether to turn on the focused inbox function.

  • Calendar

    — How to view your Outlook calendar and other people's calendar

    View Outlook calendar:

    Enter Calendar via the "Works" page. Click on a meeting to view the meeting details and attendees

    View other people's calendar:

    Switch calendar through the button in the upper right corner of your calendar page. After obtaining the authorization, you can view other people's schedule with orange color

  • —    How to create a meeting and forward a meeting    —

    Create new meeting:

    Quickly create new Outlook meetings by clicking the "+", you can also add participants and meeting descriptions

    Forward meeting invitation:

    This meeting can be forwarded to other colleagues through the "Forward Meeting Invitation" button below the meeting details

  • —    How to make forward calls    —

    Forward calls:

    If the meeting is a Lync online meeting, the Forward calls button will appear in the middle of the Meeting Description page

    Click the Forward calls button to enter the Forward calls page. Then enter the number you want to be called according to the dialing rule below the page. Click the CALL FORWARDING button and wait for the call from the Associative Conference Center. After answering, you can join the Lync telephone conference


    If your Skype is offline, it will be set online when using Forward Calls. Skype will return to the previous offline state after the forward call is over

  • Task

    Task is the collaboration tools. You could create task and manage them between colleagues.

    —    How to find Tasks    —

    You could find Tasks at the top of work page. And you could manage the work page.

  • —    How to create Tasks    —

    The new created tasks will send information email by CoChat comms email.

  • —    How to check Tasks    —

    Click the In progress button to change different status of tasks. Choose the type you want to check, click it you will see the task detail. And you could reopen, close, add a sub-task or create chat for this task.

  • CoChat Official Accounts

    —    How to create new Official Accounts    —

    You could apply Official Accounts as your requirement.

    Please go to Lenovo CoChat website:


    Login with your AD & OTP Code. Then waiting the admin owner approve it, you will get an information email. You could manage your official accounts’ content from Lenovo CoChat website.

  • —    How to search the current Official Accounts    —

    Search one official account from contacts page, search someone and you could send it to other peoples.

  • Approval

    —    How to find approval requests    —


    Enter CoChat Approvals via Work page

    Approval systems:

    Display all approval systems by default


    Show/hide features in the Approvals page

    All requests:

    Show all pending requests by clicking the "All Requests" button

  • —    How to approve or decline requests    —

    Pending approval notification:

    The red dot in the upper right corner of one approval system shows you that you have a new request under this system

    Approve or decline:

    Simple click on "Approve" or "Decline" button.

    You can also enter approval comments in certain specific approval request.

  • CoChat Overall settings

    By clicking "Work", and long-press and drag to modify the bottom navigation bar.

  • —    How to modify application cards in Work page    —

    Application cards:

    5 application cards in Work page: Email, Calendar, Attendance and Tasks.

    Show/hide application cards by clicking the Edit button. You can also change the order by dragging them into the specific area.

  • Conference Room Booking

    —    How to book global conference room    —

    CoChat could support global conference room from the 'Site' page.

    Select location, buildings, find rooms, confirm the room details, by clicking "Next", check the info, then click "√".

  • ITSupport(MyIT)

    Access path:

    Work-> More -> IT Service -> IT Support

    You could raise & close Incident, approve MyIT ticket.

  • Today's Fitness

    How to create chat for sports
  • How to use "Today’s Fitness"
  • How to check group sports and goals

    Group owner can set and edit the group sports and goals.

  • How to check group sports rankings
  • How to contact us

    —    How to contact us    —

    Communicate with us by email:


  • —    How to download and log in CoChat PC version    —

    Windows users can download CoChat PC version on our official website:https://cochat.lenovo.com/

  • —    How to search employees and start a chat in CoChat PC version    —

    Employee Directory:Search employees with itcode or name

    Chat:Start a chat by clicking the "Send Message" button

  • —    How to create group chat in CoChat PC version    —

    Create group chat:

    Create a group chat by clicking the "+" besides to the "Search"

    You can search employees and add them into this group chat

  • —    How to view someone’s personal card and organization chart in CoChat PC version    —

    Method 1: View the business card by searching the employee directory

    After searching, you can not only view the basic information of this employee through this page, but also view his organization chart

    Method 2: When chatting, click the avatar to view his business card

    Click on a contact avatar to quickly view his personal card and organization chart

  • —    How to view group contacts and group detail in CoChat PC version    —

    Group contacts:

    In contacts page, you can check group information by clicking the avatar

    Group detail:

    Open group detail page by clicking the "…"

    You can modify the group name, check group notice, sticky on top, enable notifications or manage group ownership

  • —    How to do overall settings in CoChat PC version    —


    Open setting page by clicking the setting button:



